Information Literacy Intensive

ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance3
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present3
ART222Studio Lighting3
ASL203American Sign Language Linguistics3
BIO108Marine Biology4
BIO225Topics in Biology Seminar3
BUS101Introduction to Business3
CHM201Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4
CHM203Instrumental Analysis4
CHM222Organic Chemistry II4
CHW206Prevention and Community Health3
CIS140Introduction to Computer Science4
CIS160Computer Science I4
CRJ250Senior Seminar/Project3
CRJ291Criminal Justice Internship3
CTN110Introduction to Information Technology3
ECE250Seminar in Philosophy of Early Childhood Education3
EDU104Technology in Education K-123
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine2
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction3
EST113Principles of Manufacturing3
HIS121World Civilization I3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS253History and Film3
HIS255Quest for the Presidency3
HUM102Introduction to Liberal Arts3
HUS250Seminar in Human Services3
JRN101Journalism I3
LIT267Children's Literature3
MUS102Introduction to Western Music3
NUR221Nursing Clinical IV5
PED201Strength & Conditioning3
PHI121Practical Logic3
PSY200Basic Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences3
PSY202Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood & Aging3
RSC203Neonatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care3
RTA202Advanced Radiographic Imaging3
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World3
ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance3
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present3
ART222Studio Lighting3
ASL203American Sign Language Linguistics3
BIO108Marine Biology4
BIO225Topics in Biology Seminar3
BUS101Introduction to Business3
CHM201Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4
CHM203Instrumental Analysis4
CHM222Organic Chemistry II4
CHW206Prevention and Community Health3
CIS140Introduction to Computer Science4
CIS160Computer Science I4
CRJ250Senior Seminar/Project3
CRJ291Criminal Justice Internship3
CTN110Introduction to Information Technology3
ECE250Seminar in Philosophy of Early Childhood Education3
EDU104Technology in Education K-123
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine2
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction3
EST113Principles of Manufacturing3
HIS121World Civilization I3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS253History and Film3
HIS255Quest for the Presidency3
HUM102Introduction to Liberal Arts3
HUS250Seminar in Human Services3
JRN101Journalism I3
LIT267Children's Literature3
MUS102Introduction to Western Music3
NUR221Nursing Clinical IV5
PED201Strength & Conditioning3
PHI121Practical Logic3
PSY200Basic Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences3
PSY202Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood & Aging3
RSC203Neonatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care3
RTA202Advanced Radiographic Imaging3
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World3