Global Awareness Intensive

ANT101Cultural Anthropology3
ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance3
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present3
ART109Two Dimensional Foundations4
ART141Digital Imaging I3
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel3
ART231Painting I4
ASL101Elementary American Sign Language I4
ASL102Elementary American Sign Language II4
BUS101Introduction to Business3
CHM221Organic Chemistry I4
CIS113Data Management4
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills3
CRJ103Modern Policing3
DAN147World Dance I3
ECE250Seminar in Philosophy of Early Childhood Education3
ECO202Macro Economics3
EDU203Diversity & Multiculturalism in Education3
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine2
EST113Principles of Manufacturing3
FRN101Introductory French 13
FRN102Introductory French 23
GEO101Introduction to Geography3
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
HIS111Western Civilization I3
HIS112Western Civilization II3
HIS121World Civilization I3
HIS122World Civilization II3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS224Vietnam War3
HIS250World War II3
HUS211Trauma and Children's Behavioral Health3
INT110Socioeconomic and Historical Determinants of Healthcare System Design: The United States and Beyond3
ITN101Introductory Italian 13
LIT263The Short Story3
LIT271World Literature I3
LIT272World Literature II3
MUS112Introduction to World Music3
REL101World Religions3
SCI110Global Discoveries in Science4
SCI130Forensic Science4
SCI230Advanced Forensic Science4
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World3
SPN105Spanish for Medical Professionals I3
SPN111Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I3
SPN112Introductory Spanish 23
SPN201Intermediate Spanish 13
SPN202Intermediate Spanish 23
SPN220Spanish for Heritage Learners3
THE101Introduction to Theater3
ANT101Cultural Anthropology3
ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance3
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present3
ART109Two Dimensional Foundations4
ART141Digital Imaging I3
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel3
ART231Painting I4
ASL101Elementary American Sign Language I4
ASL102Elementary American Sign Language II4
BUS101Introduction to Business3
CHM221Organic Chemistry I4
CIS113Data Management4
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills3
CRJ103Modern Policing3
DAN147World Dance I3
ECE250Seminar in Philosophy of Early Childhood Education3
ECO202Macro Economics3
EDU203Diversity & Multiculturalism in Education3
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine2
EST113Principles of Manufacturing3
FRN101Introductory French 13
FRN102Introductory French 23
GEO101Introduction to Geography3
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
HIS111Western Civilization I3
HIS112Western Civilization II3
HIS121World Civilization I3
HIS122World Civilization II3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS224Vietnam War3
HIS250World War II3
HUS211Trauma and Children's Behavioral Health3
INT110Socioeconomic and Historical Determinants of Healthcare System Design: The United States and Beyond3
ITN101Introductory Italian 13
LIT263The Short Story3
LIT271World Literature I3
LIT272World Literature II3
MUS112Introduction to World Music3
REL101World Religions3
SCI110Global Discoveries in Science4
SCI130Forensic Science4
SCI230Advanced Forensic Science4
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World3
SPN105Spanish for Medical Professionals I3
SPN111Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I3
SPN112Introductory Spanish 23
SPN201Intermediate Spanish 13
SPN202Intermediate Spanish 23
SPN220Spanish for Heritage Learners3
THE101Introduction to Theater3