Written Communication Intensive

ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance3
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present3
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel3
ART241Digital Imaging II3
BIO215General Ecology4
BUS102Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
BUS105Managerial Business Communications3
CHW208Public Health Preparedness3
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills3
CIS115Information Security4
CLN250Culinary Internship3
COM105Film Studies3
CRJ202Criminal Law3
DAN131Jazz Dance3
DST102Introduction to the Interpreting Field3
ECE271Early Childhood Education Practicum I4
EDU101Introduction to Teaching3
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine2
ENG103Technical Writing3
ENG111Creative Writing3
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction3
ENG115Creative Writing: Fiction3
ESL110ESL Transitional Writing4
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
HUS250Seminar in Human Services3
JRN101Journalism I3
LIT202American Literature II3
LIT211British Literature I3
LIT212British Literature II3
LIT213Shakespeare Literature3
LIT215Dramatic Literature3
LIT220The Graphic Novel3
LIT267Children's Literature3
LIT271World Literature I3
LIT272World Literature II3
MKT210Principles of Marketing3
MUS224Music Theory IV3
NUR221Nursing Clinical IV5
PHI204Philosophy through Film3
RSC104Introduction to Respiratory Disease3
RTA202Advanced Radiographic Imaging3
SCI281Research Experience Laboratory5
SOC204Race & Ethnic Relations3
ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance3
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present3
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel3
ART241Digital Imaging II3
BIO215General Ecology4
BUS102Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
BUS105Managerial Business Communications3
CHW208Public Health Preparedness3
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills3
CIS115Information Security4
CLN250Culinary Internship3
COM105Film Studies3
CRJ202Criminal Law3
DAN131Jazz Dance3
DST102Introduction to the Interpreting Field3
ECE271Early Childhood Education Practicum I4
EDU101Introduction to Teaching3
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine2
ENG103Technical Writing3
ENG111Creative Writing3
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction3
ENG115Creative Writing: Fiction3
ESL110ESL Transitional Writing4
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
HUS250Seminar in Human Services3
JRN101Journalism I3
LIT202American Literature II3
LIT211British Literature I3
LIT212British Literature II3
LIT213Shakespeare Literature3
LIT215Dramatic Literature3
LIT220The Graphic Novel3
LIT267Children's Literature3
LIT271World Literature I3
LIT272World Literature II3
MKT210Principles of Marketing3
MUS224Music Theory IV3
NUR221Nursing Clinical IV5
PHI204Philosophy through Film3
RSC104Introduction to Respiratory Disease3
RTA202Advanced Radiographic Imaging3
SCI281Research Experience Laboratory5
SOC204Race & Ethnic Relations3