Public Presentation Intensive

ART108Three Dimensional Foundations4
ART109Two Dimensional Foundations4
ART130Introduction to Digital Photography3
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel3
ASL111Intermediate American Sign Language I4
CHM201Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4
CHM221Organic Chemistry I4
CHW103Health Education3
CIS113Data Management4
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills3
CIS115Information Security4
COM111Public Speaking3
COM115Introduction to Mass Communication3
CRJ201Critical Incident Response3
DAN203Dance Pedagogy3
FRN101Introductory French 13
FYS101First Year Seminar3
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
HES108Introduction to Healthcare Services3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS224Vietnam War3
HON200Honors Seminar3
HON201Honors Humanities3
HUS192HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services4
HUS291Human Services Practicum II4
LIT271World Literature I3
MRT100Introduction to Health Information Practice & Procedure3
MUS112Introduction to World Music3
NUR205Issues in Professional Nursing2
PED168Leading Fitness Activities3
PHI208Philosophy of Happiness3
PSY206Social Psychology3
RSC104Introduction to Respiratory Disease3
RTA205Computer Imaging & Cross Sectional Anatomy3
SCI104Topics in Laboratory Sciences3
SCI130Forensic Science4
SCI230Advanced Forensic Science4
SPN105Spanish for Medical Professionals I3
SPN111Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I3
SPN112Introductory Spanish 23
SPN220Spanish for Heritage Learners3
THE110The Improvisation Voice and Movement3
ART108Three Dimensional Foundations4
ART109Two Dimensional Foundations4
ART130Introduction to Digital Photography3
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel3
ASL111Intermediate American Sign Language I4
CHM201Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4
CHM221Organic Chemistry I4
CHW103Health Education3
CIS113Data Management4
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills3
CIS115Information Security4
COM111Public Speaking3
COM115Introduction to Mass Communication3
CRJ201Critical Incident Response3
DAN203Dance Pedagogy3
FRN101Introductory French 13
FYS101First Year Seminar3
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
HES108Introduction to Healthcare Services3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS224Vietnam War3
HON200Honors Seminar3
HON201Honors Humanities3
HUS192HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services4
HUS291Human Services Practicum II4
LIT271World Literature I3
MRT100Introduction to Health Information Practice & Procedure3
MUS112Introduction to World Music3
NUR205Issues in Professional Nursing2
PED168Leading Fitness Activities3
PHI208Philosophy of Happiness3
PSY206Social Psychology3
RSC104Introduction to Respiratory Disease3
RTA205Computer Imaging & Cross Sectional Anatomy3
SCI104Topics in Laboratory Sciences3
SCI130Forensic Science4
SCI230Advanced Forensic Science4
SPN105Spanish for Medical Professionals I3
SPN111Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I3
SPN112Introductory Spanish 23
SPN220Spanish for Heritage Learners3
THE110The Improvisation Voice and Movement3