ART108 | Three Dimensional Foundations | 4 |
ART109 | Two Dimensional Foundations | 4 |
ART130 | Introduction to Digital Photography | 3 |
ART160 | Art of the Graphic Novel | 3 |
ASL111 | Intermediate American Sign Language I | 4 |
CHM201 | Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry | 4 |
CHM221 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHW103 | Health Education | 3 |
CIS113 | Data Management | 4 |
CIS114 | Help Desk & Soft Skills | 3 |
CIS115 | Information Security | 4 |
COM111 | Public Speaking | 3 |
COM115 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 3 |
CRJ201 | Critical Incident Response | 3 |
DAN203 | Dance Pedagogy | 3 |
FRN101 | Introductory French 1 | 3 |
FYS101 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
GOV102 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
HES108 | Introduction to Healthcare Services | 3 |
HIS223 | The Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIS224 | Vietnam War | 3 |
HON200 | Honors Seminar | 3 |
HON201 | Honors Humanities | 3 |
HUS192 | HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services | 4 |
HUS291 | Human Services Practicum II | 4 |
LIT262 | Poetry | 3 |
LIT271 | World Literature I | 3 |
MRT100 | Introduction to Health Information Practice & Procedure | 3 |
MUS112 | Introduction to World Music | 3 |
NUR205 | Issues in Professional Nursing | 2 |
PED168 | Leading Fitness Activities | 3 |
PHI206 | Existentialism | 3 |
PHI208 | Philosophy of Happiness | 3 |
PSY206 | Social Psychology | 3 |
RSC104 | Introduction to Respiratory Disease | 3 |
RTA205 | Computer Imaging & Cross Sectional Anatomy | 3 |
SCI104 | Topics in Laboratory Sciences | 3 |
SCI130 | Forensic Science | 4 |
SCI230 | Advanced Forensic Science | 4 |
SPN105 | Spanish for Medical Professionals I | 3 |
SPN111 | Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I | 3 |
SPN112 | Introductory Spanish 2 | 3 |
SPN220 | Spanish for Heritage Learners | 3 |
THE110 | The Improvisation Voice and Movement | 3 |
THE113 | Directing | 3 |
ART108 | Three Dimensional Foundations | 4 |
ART109 | Two Dimensional Foundations | 4 |
ART130 | Introduction to Digital Photography | 3 |
ART160 | Art of the Graphic Novel | 3 |
ASL111 | Intermediate American Sign Language I | 4 |
CHM201 | Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry | 4 |
CHM221 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHW103 | Health Education | 3 |
CIS113 | Data Management | 4 |
CIS114 | Help Desk & Soft Skills | 3 |
CIS115 | Information Security | 4 |
COM111 | Public Speaking | 3 |
COM115 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 3 |
CRJ201 | Critical Incident Response | 3 |
DAN203 | Dance Pedagogy | 3 |
FRN101 | Introductory French 1 | 3 |
FYS101 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
GOV102 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
HES108 | Introduction to Healthcare Services | 3 |
HIS223 | The Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIS224 | Vietnam War | 3 |
HON200 | Honors Seminar | 3 |
HON201 | Honors Humanities | 3 |
HUS192 | HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services | 4 |
HUS291 | Human Services Practicum II | 4 |
LIT262 | Poetry | 3 |
LIT271 | World Literature I | 3 |
MRT100 | Introduction to Health Information Practice & Procedure | 3 |
MUS112 | Introduction to World Music | 3 |
NUR205 | Issues in Professional Nursing | 2 |
PED168 | Leading Fitness Activities | 3 |
PHI206 | Existentialism | 3 |
PHI208 | Philosophy of Happiness | 3 |
PSY206 | Social Psychology | 3 |
RSC104 | Introduction to Respiratory Disease | 3 |
RTA205 | Computer Imaging & Cross Sectional Anatomy | 3 |
SCI104 | Topics in Laboratory Sciences | 3 |
SCI130 | Forensic Science | 4 |
SCI230 | Advanced Forensic Science | 4 |
SPN105 | Spanish for Medical Professionals I | 3 |
SPN111 | Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I | 3 |
SPN112 | Introductory Spanish 2 | 3 |
SPN220 | Spanish for Heritage Learners | 3 |
THE110 | The Improvisation Voice and Movement | 3 |
THE113 | Directing | 3 |