MRT118 Procedure Coding Systems (CPT)
This course is an introduction to the CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) coding and classification system developed by the American Medical Association (AMA). Medical services, procedures and treatments performed for patients are translated into CPT numeric codes. Topics will include CPT coding procedures, section guidelines, medicine section, modifier usage and HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System).
Reading proficiency or
RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C or
ENG101 or higher Minimum Grade of: C and Fndns of Math proficiency or MAT010 or higher Minimum Grade of: C and
HES115 Medical Terminology and
BIO101 Human Biology and
CIS110 Computer Applications
HES207 Clinical Pathophysiology and
MRT117 Basic Diagnosis Coding Systems
Major Restriction(s)
Medical Billing and Coding Certificate