WRT090 Writing Fusion

This course is designed for students who place into developmental writing and into or above College Reading and who would like to succeed in and earn degree-credit for English Composition (ENG101). In this course, students will improve writing skills needed to succeed in English Composition I emphasizing the writing process, elements of the essay including source-based assignments, sentence skills, active reading strategies, and strategies for student success. Any student registered for this class will be co-registered in a linked ENG101. PLEASE NOTE: This course is a developmental course and DOES NOT carry graduation credit. It is NOT usually transferable. Since developmental courses are mandated courses, students who do not meet the exit criteria of C or better for Writing Fusion or the linked ENG 101, will be required to repeat this course

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours



Reading proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C and Writing placement


ENG101 English Composition I Minimum Grade of: C