Core Academic Skills Intensive Course Designations

Course NumberCourse NameGlobal AwarenessInformation LiteracyPublic PresentationQuantitative ReasoningScience & TechWritten Communication
ACC203Managerial Accounting
ANT101Cultural Anthropology
ANT101Cultural Anthropology
ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present
ART108Three Dimensional Foundations
ART109Two Dimensional Foundations
ART121Introduction to Photography
ART122Advanced Photography
ART130Introduction to Digital Photography
ART141Digital Imaging I
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel
ART222Studio Lighting
ART231Painting I
ART241Digital Imaging II
ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present
ART108Three Dimensional Foundations
ART109Two Dimensional Foundations
ART121Introduction to Photography
ART122Advanced Photography
ART130Introduction to Digital Photography
ART141Digital Imaging I
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel
ART222Studio Lighting
ART231Painting I
ART241Digital Imaging II
ASL101Elementary American Sign Language I
ASL102Elementary American Sign Language II
ASL111Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL203American Sign Language Linguistics
ASL101Elementary American Sign Language I
ASL102Elementary American Sign Language II
ASL111Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL203American Sign Language Linguistics
BIO101Human Biology
BIO102Human Biology Laboratory
BIO103Human Nutrition & Health
BIO104Human Nutrition & Health Laboratory
BIO108Marine Biology
BIO115Physiological Chemistry
BIO117Field Studies in Natural Systems
BIO121Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO122Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO215General Ecology
BIO230Cell Biology
BIO280Research Seminar in Biotechnology
BIO101Human Biology
BIO102Human Biology Laboratory
BIO103Human Nutrition & Health
BIO104Human Nutrition & Health Laboratory
BIO108Marine Biology
BIO111Introductory Biology I
BIO112Introductory Biology II
BIO115Physiological Chemistry
BIO117Field Studies in Natural Systems
BIO121Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO122Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO215General Ecology
BIO230Cell Biology
BIO280Research Seminar in Biotechnology
BUS101Introduction to Business
BUS102Introduction to Entrepreneurship
BUS105Managerial Business Communications
BUS105Managerial Business Communications
CHM111College Chemistry I
CHM122General Chemistry II
CHM201Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
CHM203Instrumental Analysis
CHM221Organic Chemistry I
CHM222Organic Chemistry II
CHM280Research Seminar in Chemical Analysis
CHM111College Chemistry I
CHM121General Chemistry I
CHM122General Chemistry II
CHM201Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
CHM203Instrumental Analysis
CHM221Organic Chemistry I
CHM222Organic Chemistry II
CHM280Research Seminar in Chemical Analysis
CHW103Health Education
CHW206Prevention and Community Health
CHW208Public Health Preparedness
CHW103Health Education
CHW206Prevention and Community Health
CHW208Public Health Preparedness
CIS110Computer Applications
CIS112Integrated Computer Applications
CIS113Data Management
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills
CIS115Information Security
CIS140Introduction to Computer Science
CIS160Computer Science I
CIS110Computer Applications
CIS112Integrated Computer Applications
CIS113Data Management
CIS114Help Desk & Soft Skills
CIS115Information Security
CIS130Web Development I
CIS140Introduction to Computer Science
COM105Film Studies
COM111Public Speaking
COM115Introduction to Mass Communication
COM111Public Speaking
COM115Introduction to Mass Communication
CRJ103Modern Policing
CRJ201Critical Incident Response
CRJ202Criminal Law
CRJ250Senior Seminar/Project
CRJ291Criminal Justice Internship
CRJ103Modern Policing
CRJ201Critical Incident Response
CRJ202Criminal Law
CRJ291Criminal Justice Internship
CTE103Digital Design Laboratory
CTE103Digital Design Laboratory
CTN110Introduction to Information Technology
CTN110Introduction to Information Technology
DAN131Jazz Dance
DAN147World Dance I
DAN203Dance Pedagogy
DAN131Jazz Dance
DAN147World Dance I
DAN203Dance Pedagogy
DST102Introduction to the Interpreting Field
DST191Deaf Community Practicum
DST102Introduction to the Interpreting Field
DST191Deaf Community Practicum
ECE250Seminar in Philosophy of Early Childhood Education
ECE271Early Childhood Education Practicum I
ECE271Early Childhood Education Practicum I
ECO201Micro Economics
ECO202Macro Economics
ECO201Micro Economics
ECO202Macro Economics
EDU101Introduction to Teaching
EDU104Technology in Education K-12
EDU203Diversity & Multiculturalism in Education
EDU203Diversity & Multiculturalism in Education
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine
ENG103Technical Writing
ENG111Creative Writing
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
ENG115Creative Writing: Fiction
ENG103Technical Writing
ENG111Creative Writing
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
ENG115Creative Writing: Fiction
ERS110Earth Science
ERS125Environmental Issues
ERS135Introduction to Astronomy
ERS140Physical Geology
ERS280Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences
ERS110Earth Science
ERS125Environmental Issues
ERS135Introduction to Astronomy
ERS140Physical Geology
ERS280Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences
ESL115ESL Integrated Writing Skills
EST104Engineering Essentials and Design
EST110Engineering Design Graphics
EST111Computer Aided Drafting I
EST112Computer Aided Drafting II
EST113Principles of Manufacturing
EST211Engineering Mechanics I - Statics
EST104Engineering Essentials and Design
EST110Engineering Design Graphics
EST111Computer Aided Drafting I
EST112Computer Aided Drafting II
EST211Engineering Mechanics I - Statics
FRN101Introductory French 1
FRN102Introductory French 2
FRN101Introductory French 1
FRN102Introductory French 2
FRN201Intermediate French 1
FRN202Intermediate French 2
FYS101First Year Seminar
FYS101First Year Seminar
GEO101Introduction to Geography
GEO101Introduction to Geography
GOV102Introduction to Political Science
GOV102Introduction to Political Science
HES108Introduction to Healthcare Services
HES108Introduction to Healthcare Services
HES205Cardiac Dysrhythmia Recognition and Management
HIS111Western Civilization I
HIS112Western Civilization II
HIS121World Civilization I
HIS122World Civilization II
HIS223The Modern Middle East
HIS224Vietnam War
HIS250World War II
HIS253History and Film
HIS255Quest for the Presidency
HIS111Western Civilization I
HIS112Western Civilization II
HIS121World Civilization I
HIS122World Civilization II
HIS216History of the Merrimack Valley
HIS223The Modern Middle East
HIS224Vietnam War
HIS250World War II
HIS253History and Film
HIS255Quest for the Presidency
HON200Honors Seminar
HON201Honors Humanities
HON200Honors Seminar
HON201Honors Humanities
HUS192HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services
HUS211Trauma and Children's Behavioral Health
HUS250Seminar in Human Services
HUS291Human Services Practicum II
HUS192HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services
HUS250Seminar in Human Services
HUS291Human Services Practicum II
INT110Socioeconomic and Historical Determinants of Healthcare System Design: The United States and Beyond
ITN101Introductory Italian 1
ITN101Introductory Italian 1
ITN102Introductory Italian 2
JRN101Journalism I
JRN101Journalism I
LIT202American Literature II
LIT211British Literature I
LIT212British Literature II
LIT213Shakespeare Literature
LIT215Dramatic Literature
LIT220The Graphic Novel
LIT263The Short Story
LIT267Children's Literature
LIT271World Literature I
LIT272World Literature II
LIT202American Literature II
LIT211British Literature I
LIT212British Literature II
LIT213Shakespeare Literature
LIT215Dramatic Literature
LIT220The Graphic Novel
LIT263The Short Story
LIT271World Literature I
LIT272World Literature II
MAT090Mathematical Literacy for College Students
MAT118Mathematical Ideas I
MAT122Quantitative Reasoning
MAT130Precalculus for Business/Social/Life Sciences
MAT251Calculus I
MAT090Mathematical Literacy for College Students
MAT118Mathematical Ideas I
MAT122Quantitative Reasoning
MAT130Precalculus for Business/Social/Life Sciences
MAT251Calculus I
MKT210Principles of Marketing
MKT210Principles of Marketing
MRT100Introduction to Health Information Practice & Procedure
MRT100Introduction to Health Information Practice & Procedure
MUS102Introduction to Western Music
MUS112Introduction to World Music
MUS224Music Theory IV
MUS102Introduction to Western Music
MUS112Introduction to World Music
MUS224Music Theory IV
NUR205Issues in Professional Nursing
NUR221Nursing Clinical IV
NUR205Issues in Professional Nursing
NUR221Nursing Clinical IV
PED142Fundamentals of Yoga
PED168Leading Fitness Activities
PED201Strength & Conditioning
PED142Fundamentals of Yoga
PED145Yoga I
PED168Leading Fitness Activities
PED201Strength & Conditioning
PHI121Practical Logic
PHI204Philosophy through Film
PHI208Philosophy of Happiness
PHI121Practical Logic
PHI204Philosophy through Film
PHS131Engineering Physics I
PHS132Engineering Physics II
PHS131Engineering Physics I
PHS132Engineering Physics II
PSY200Basic Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
PSY202Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood & Aging
PSY206Social Psychology
PSY200Basic Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
PSY202Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood & Aging
PSY206Social Psychology
REL101World Religions
REL101World Religions
RSC103Respiratory Pharmacology
RSC104Introduction to Respiratory Disease
RSC203Neonatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care
RSC103Respiratory Pharmacology
RSC104Introduction to Respiratory Disease
RSC203Neonatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care
RTA202Advanced Radiographic Imaging
RTA205Computer Imaging & Cross Sectional Anatomy
RTA202Advanced Radiographic Imaging
RTA205Computer Imaging & Cross Sectional Anatomy
SCI104Topics in Laboratory Sciences
SCI105Laboratory Methods
SCI110Global Discoveries in Science
SCI112Physical Science II
SCI130Forensic Science
SCI230Advanced Forensic Science
SCI291Externship in Laboratory Sciences I
SCI292Externship in Laboratory Sciences II
SCI104Topics in Laboratory Sciences
SCI105Laboratory Methods
SCI110Global Discoveries in Science
SCI112Physical Science II
SCI130Forensic Science
SCI230Advanced Forensic Science
SCI281Research Experience Laboratory
SCI291Externship in Laboratory Sciences I
SCI292Externship in Laboratory Sciences II
SOC204Race & Ethnic Relations
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World
SOC204Race & Ethnic Relations
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World
SPN105Spanish for Medical Professionals I
SPN111Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I
SPN201Intermediate Spanish 1
SPN202Intermediate Spanish 2
SPN220Spanish for Heritage Learners
SPN105Spanish for Medical Professionals I
SPN111Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I
SPN112Introductory Spanish 2
SPN201Intermediate Spanish 1
SPN202Intermediate Spanish 2
SPN220Spanish for Heritage Learners
SPN221Spanish Translation I
SPN222Spanish Translation 2
THE101Introduction to Theater
THE110The Improvisation Voice and Movement
THE101Introduction to Theater
THE110The Improvisation Voice and Movement