HIS224 Vietnam War
This course is a survey of the war in Indo-China (1945-1975) which starts with the Viet Minh in World War II and concludes with the Paris Peace talks and the aftermath in the 1970s. It will focus on interpretations of the war itself and its resounding impact on the United States. The Vietnam War tore at the fabric of American society, and the course will examine the transformation of its sociocultural identity.
Reading proficiency and Writing proficiency or
RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C or ESL110 ESL Transitional Writing Minimum Grade of: C or
ENG101 English Composition I or higher Minimum Grade of: C
Free Elective
Global Awareness Intensive
History/Government Elective
Liberal Arts Elective
Public Presentation Intensive
Reading Content Course
Social Science Elective