Readmission to the College

There are many reasons why students need to take a break from college. Whatever your reason, NECC is always happy to help you return to your education and complete your degree.
NECC considers students active for 4 consecutive semesters* even if you have not enrolled in or attended classes during that time, as long as you did not officially withdraw from the college and were not placed on Academic Suspension. During the 4 semesters you may be away, you will have access to your student email, to the Portal, and are eligible to register for classes at any time. We strongly encourage returning students to schedule an appointment with their academic advisor to learn about any changes to their declared major, graduation requirements, or other policies at NECC that may impact them.

If you have been away from NECC for more than 4 consecutive semesters or you officially and voluntarily withdrew from the college, you will need to follow the process outlined below to be readmitted to the college. When students are readmitted, they return to the college under the current Academic Catalog, including any updated program or graduation requirements.

Returning to NECC after 4 consecutive semesters or a Voluntary Withdrawal

  1. Contact the Welcome Express Center to start the readmission process, which includes updating your personal information and scheduling an appointment with an academic advisor.
  2. Schedule a meeting with an academic advisor to:
    1. Review any changes to your academic program of study, including required courses and other graduation requirements.
    2. Determine if you need to retake any placement tests that may have expired. Academic Placement and Testing
  3. If you attended another college or university and want to transfer any of those credits towards your degree at NECC, request your transcripts using this process. Transferring Credits to NECC
  4. Register for your next semester at NECC!

Please note: This policy applies to the college but does not apply to admission to criteria-based, cohort programs (e.g., Nursing).  Admission to criteria-based programs is determined by the individual program of study, and is described in the criteria packet for that program, which can be found on the program’s landing page on the NECC website.  

Returning to NECC After an Involuntary Withdrawal 

Involuntary withdrawals include academic suspension, conduct dismissals, or other leaves of absence coordinated by the Director of Community Standards. If you left NECC due to an Involuntary Withdrawal, please review the procedures for returning to the college relevant to those specific situations.

If you were placed on Academic Suspension, please review the Academic Standards and Progress policy, and complete the appeal form.

If you left the college for medical, conduct, or other reasons, please contact Director of Community Standards, Amanda Wright at or 978-556-3746 to determine the steps you need to follow in order to return. We also encourage you to review the Student Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedures information on the college website.

*For the purposes of this policy, semesters are defined as 15-week Fall or Spring courses; this does not include 8-week courses offered in the fall or spring, summer courses, or January courses.

Mandatory Assessment Policy

Withdrawing from the College

Updated: 2022-2023 Updated Academic Catalog (Effective Spring 2023)