RTA205 Computer Imaging & Cross Sectional Anatomy
Introduce the student to the fundamental principles of medical computer technology. Basic cross sectional anatomy of the brain, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine will be presented as demonstrated in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
RTA201 Radiologic Equipment & Quality Assurance Minimum Grade of: C and
RTA202 Advanced Radiographic Imaging Minimum Grade of: C and
RTA294 Clinical Practicum IV Minimum Grade of: C
RTA203 Radiobiology & Protection Minimum Grade of: C and
RTA204 Special Radiographic & Interventional Procedures Minimum Grade of: C and
RTA295 Clinical Practicum V Minimum Grade of: C
Major Restriction(s)
Radiologic Technology, Associate in Science
Program Major Restriction(s)
Radiologic Technology