HUS171 Alcohol & Drug Abuse

This course is designed to generate an understanding of drug use, abuse and dependence and their personal and social consequences. Emphasis is placed on theories of etiology, epidemiology, pharmacology, symptomatology and medical consequences. Participants will explore the role of culture, relevant state and federal laws and family relationships. A primary goal of this course is to provide students with thorough information needed to provide services to a variety of clients. A minimum grade of C- must be earned in this course.

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours



Reading proficiency and Writing proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C or ENG101 or higher Minimum Grade of: C


  • Free Elective

  • Reading Content Course

Major Restriction(s)

Criminal Justice, Associate in Science

Human Services, Associate in Science

Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate

Community Support Human Services Practitioner Certificate

Direct Support Certificate

Program Major Restriction(s)

Criminal Justice, Alcohol Drug Abuse Counseling, Human Services, Community Support Human Svs, Direct Support Cert, Direct Support Cert