Student Rights

As residents of Massachusetts or the United States, students have rights including, but not limited to:
  • the right to exercise the rights of citizenship
  • the right to freedom of association, inquiry and expression
  • the right to privacy and confidentiality
  • the right to security from unreasonable or unauthorized search or seizure
  • the right to freedom from any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, political views, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability
As students at Northern Essex Community College, students have rights including, but not limited to:
  • the right to expect a good learning environment on campus
  • the right to expect prompt and appropriate action if the safety of that environment is violated by threats or violence
  • the right to competent instruction in courses and to assistance in attempting to overcome educational, cultural, emotional and economic disadvantages which hinder the educational process
  • the right to fair and equal treatment in instruction, evaluation and services by faculty, staff, students, and administrators
  • the right to voting representation on campus governing and advisory bodies as provided in their bylaws
  • the right to procedural due process in grievance and disciplinary hearings