MAS101 Medical Assisting I

This course introduces the student to the basic skills that are preformed by the medical assistant in the medical office. The course will emphasize building skills on scientific principles and physiologic processes. Skills included are vital signs, documentation, positioning and draping, EKG techniques, aseptic techniques and introduction to pharmacology. PLEASE NOTE: CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information), CHRI (Criminal Records Central Repository) and/or SORI (Sex Offender Record Information) checks are required prior to participation in this course.

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



Reading proficiency and Writing proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C and Fndns of Math proficiency


  • Background Check Required

  • Free Elective

Program Major Restriction(s)

Medical Assistant (Day), Medical Assistant (Eve), Medical Assistant