HUS192 HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services
In this continuation of Practicum I, students complete 150 hours at a community agency, becoming more involved in client care and services. Under supervision, students refine their skills in providing services to substance abusers and their families in a variety of settings. Students develop a philosophy of service that includes respect for individuals as well as an awareness and appreciation of ethics, confidentiality, and diversity. A minimum grade of C- must be earned in this course. PLEASE NOTE: CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information), CHRI (Criminal Records Central Repository) and/or SORI (Sex Offender Record Information) checks are required prior to participation in this course.
Reading proficiency and Writing proficiency or
RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C and
HUS191 HUS Practicum I in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services Minimum Grade of: C-
HUS171 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Minimum Grade of: C- and
HUS172 Counseling Techniques with Substance Abuse Minimum Grade of: C-
Program Major Restriction(s)
Alcohol Drug Abuse Counseling, Human Services, Community Support Human Svs