ERS135 Introduction to Astronomy

A one semester, lab-based course that provides an introduction to the field of astronomy by examining the various components of our universe. The universe will be explored through descriptive and visual studies of the history of astronomy, the earth-moon system, the solar system, the birth, life and death of starts, constellations, galaxies, quasars, cosmology, and life in the universe. Other topics may include the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life, the search for extra solar planets, and artificial satellites. Lab exercises may consist of, but are not limited to, visual observations of the night sky, computer generated exercises, or summaries of recent advances in the astronomical sciences.

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



Reading proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C and Fndsn of Algebra proficiency


  • Free Elective

  • Liberal Arts Elective

  • Reading Content Course

  • Science Elective

  • Science Technology Intensive