ANT101 Cultural Anthropology

This course is designed to introduce students to the anthropological study of human culture. We will explore ways of trying to understand the world views and belief systems of a diverse array of human cultures. Some of the topics to be explored include family and kinship systems, religion and magic, language, economic and political systems, conflict and social control, cultural constructions of gender and race, and the effects of globalization. The course aims to foster in students cross-cultural understanding as our world becomes increasingly interconnected, as well as recognition of the fundamental similarities we all share as humans.

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours



Reading proficiency and Writing proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C


  • Behavioral Science Elective

  • Free Elective

  • Global Awareness Intensive

  • Liberal Arts Elective

  • Reading Content Course

  • Social Science Elective