Discipline for Disruptive Conduct

Disrupting or interfering in the educational process in a class (or clinical site), is prohibited under this policy.  If a student engages in disruptive conduct a faculty member or other College employee may address and resolve the matter informally without filing a complaint under the Code, including temporarily removing the disruptive student from a class (or clinical site).  On the first occasion when a student is removed, the faculty member or other College employee is strongly encouraged to notify the CCA.  In all subsequent cases of removing the same student from a class (or clinical site), the faculty member or other College employee shall notify the CCA.  A faculty member or other College employee may seek assistance from Public Safety if necessary to remove a student. A student may not be permanently removed from a class (or clinical site) for a conduct-related offense except upon referral to the CCA of a complaint for administration under this policy.  The CCA can exercise his/her discretion to allow the accused student to attend class (or clinical site) during the disciplinary process upon consultation with the faculty member and the Chief Academic Officer or his/her designee.