RSC112 Respiratory Modalities II

This course continues study of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used in the delivery of respiratory care services. Content includes bronchpulmonary hygiene, arterial blood gas sampling, artificial airways, and mechanical ventilation. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Credit Hours



RSC111 Respiratory Modalities I Minimum Grade of: C and RSC191 Respiratory Clinical I Minimum Grade of: C


BIO122 Anatomy & Physiology II Minimum Grade of: C and RSC102 Fundamentals of Respiratory Care II Minimum Grade of: C and RSC103 Respiratory Pharmacology Minimum Grade of: C and RSC104 Introduction to Respiratory Disease Minimum Grade of: C and RSC192 Respiratory Clinical II Minimum Grade of: C


  • Free Elective

Program Major Restriction(s)

Respiratory Care