PSY209 Behavioral Neuroscience

This course will serve as an introduction to the biological basis of behavior or Behavioral Neuroscience. A basic understanding of neuroanatomy and the function of the nervous system and how it controls behavior will lay the foundation from which all other information will evolve. With this knowledge, the physiological basis of behaviors such as movement, sleep, reproduction, emotions, stress and mental illness will be discussed. Special attention will be paid to recent advances in research in the growing area of biopsychology and psychopharmacology. One goal for students is to develop critical thinking skills, as consumers of scientific information.

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours



PSY101 Introduction to Psychology and BIO112 Introductory Biology II or BIO122 Anatomy & Physiology II


  • Behavioral Science Elective

  • Free Elective

  • Liberal Arts Elective

  • Reading Content Course

  • Social Science Elective

  • Written Communication Intensive