CTE210 Microcomputers

This course serves as a comprehensive treatment of microcontroller fundamentals. The following topics will be covered: microcontroller architecture, assembly language programming, and their role in embedded systems. The course will focus on the Microchip PIC16F and PIC18F microcontroller families. We will use these in order to understand their architectures, CPUs, registers, addressing modes, parallel and serial I/O ad well as the role they play in today's technology. Laboratory work is hands-on using the Microchip PICkit sets and the PIC18F simulator.

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



College Reading proficiency and Basic Writing proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C and Basic Algebra II proficiency and CIS140 Introduction to Computer Science


  • Computer Science Elective

  • Free Elective

  • Technical Elective

  • Technology Elective